Understanding the effect of menstruation of women and their surroundings ! – Research study conducted by ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ using the UAS (Universal Aura Scanner)

Menstruation in women is a form of excretion, as per the religious scriptures. This state is different from the normal physiological state and it has been proved by western scientists through different studies. In the past, during menstruation or menses, women observed the code of conduct (achardharma) such as avoiding places related to worship, not touching food or water that will be consumed by others, as well as not touching the annual store of food items (such as pickles, jams etc), staying away from cooking, etc.

Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve

Nowadays, due to the problems of living space, job constraints etc., the observance of achardharma during menstruation is considered more complicated and cumbersome. Scientific research was conducted using the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) to study the spiritual effect of menstruation on the woman and the surroundings.

Mr. Ashish Sawant using the U.A.S. device for the experiment

An interpretation and spiritual analysis of the observations from the study is given below.

The Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) was developed in 2005 by Dr. Mannem Murthy, a former nuclear scientist from Telengana. By using this instrument the energy and the aura of an object, a premises, an animal or an individual can be measured.

1. Interpretation of observations in the study : In this study, UAS readings were taken of a woman and of the food and water she had touched during menstruation and similarly on the 5th day and 7th day (when menstruation had stopped). UAS readings were taken after she performed chanting during her menstruation and similarly on the 5th day and 7th day.

1 A. The effects seen on a woman and on the food (Thali meal- Indian food contains Rice, chapati, pulses and vegetables) and water touched by her during her menstruation and after her menstruation.

Components Negative energy aura (metres) Positive energy aura (metres)
Infrared energy Ultraviolet energy
1. Woman During menses Before chanting 4.18 1.63 0
20 minutes after chanting 0 0 3.50
After menses On the 5th day of menses 2.84 0 1.38
On the 7th day of menses 0 0 2.67
2. Food (thali meal) During menses Before touching 0 0 4.27
After touching 2.17 0.83 0
After menses Before touching 0 0 5.42
After touching 0 0 6.23
3. Water During menses Before touching 0 0 4.02
After touching 3.04 1.63 0
After menses Before touching 0 0 5.74
After touching 0 0 6.10

Points noted from the above observations –

1. During menstruation, the woman was observed to have no positive energy, but had some negative energy.

2. During menstruation, after chanting the Name of God (Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya here) for 20 minutes, her negative energy was nullified and a lot of positive energy was generated in her. This is a unique finding.

3. After menstruation, her negative energy reduced or was completely nullified and positive energy was generated.

4. During menstruation, the positive energy in the food and water she touched was nullified and negative energy was generated in them. On the contrary, after her menstruation, the positive energy was detected in the food and water she touched.

2. Conclusion : During a woman’s menstruation, there is a negative effect on her and all the objects touched by her. However if she chants during that period, the negative effects on her reduce or are nullified and her Sattvikta increases.

3. Spiritual analysis of the observations in the study

3 A. During menstruation, the Raja component in the woman increases and her Sattvikta reduces : The monthly menstruation of a woman is also termed as ‘Rajaswala-dharma’. During this period, the raja component of a woman increases. Due to this increase, the possibility of a negative energy covering from surrounding distressing energies increases resulting in reduction in her Sattvikta.

3 B. During menstruation, due to the distressing vibrations emitted from a woman, the food and the water touched by her get affected : In this study, during menstruation the positive energy in the food and water touched by her was nullified and negative energy was generated. This is the effect of the distressing vibrations emitted by the woman during the period of her menstruation. During this period, the surrounding atmosphere gets affected by the distressing vibrations emitted by her.

3 C. Chanting during menstruation, creates a protective covering of the Name of God around a woman : As Raja-tama vibrations in the women increase during their menstruation, it is possible for distressing energies in the environment to attack them. Therefore, during the 4 days of menstruation, rituals as per the Path of rituals (Karmakand) like ritualistic worship, reading Holy scriptures, reciting shlokas, mantras etc are restricted. However women should try to increase their prayers, gratitude and chanting of the Name of God.

By this, a protective covering will be created around them against distressing energies. In the study, as the woman performed chanting of the Name of God – Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya here, she imbibed Chaitanya and a protective covering was created around her, and her Sattvikta also increased.

In short, women in the past did not touch food or water that would be consumed by others, not touch the annual store of food items as specified, would stay away from cooking and observed achardharma. The reason behind these actions can be understood from this study. In today’s hectic life, it may not be possible to follow all the restrictions, however chanting the Name of God can be done and is beneficial when performed during menstruation as it protects the women against distressing vibrations. Since chanting is done mentally it has no restrictions of time, place or impurity.

Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (28.1.2023)
E-mail : mav.research2014@gmail.com