44 feet tall flag post to be installed atop Shriram temple

The Dharma Dhwaja at The Shri Ram Mandir

Ahmedabad (Gujarat) – The Dharma dhwaja (flag of Dharma) atop 161 feet tall Shriram temple will be mounted on a 44 feet tall flag post, making its total height 205 feet. The flag post has been brought from Ahmedabad i.e. from a distance of 1,350 km. The post has been made in 7 months by ‘Ambika Engineers’. Prime Minister will be hoisting the flag at the time of the consecration at the temple.

Dark stone idol has been chosen for the consecration

As informed by Mr Champat Rai, Secretary of Shriram Janmabhoomi Tirth Kshetra Trust, the dark stone idol was chosen for consecration, out of 3 idols. The idol weighs 1500 kg. This idol is made of special stone. Water and milk offered to the idol will not cause any ill-effect on the stone of the idol. Every year on Shriram Navami, the Sun’s rays will fall on the
forehead of Shriram. Everyday Shriram idol will be bathed with water from the river Sarayu and this water will be given to the devotees as teerth.

The idol will be consecrated in the sanctum sanctorum on 18 th January

Champat Rai said, from 16 th of January the rituals of Shriram Lalla’s pooja will begin. On 18 th January Shriram Lalla’s idol will be consecrated in the sanctum sanctorum. Idols of Maharshi Valmiki and Maharshi Vashishtha will be installed in the temple complex. Temples of Maharshi Vishwamitra, Maharshi Agastya, Nishad Raj, Mata Shabari and Devi Ahilya will also be built. Also, the idol of Jatayu has been installed.

There is no temple as magnificent as this in the whole of North India

Champat Rai said that the Shriram temple is magnificent. There are such temples in the South India. But in the North India, no such temple has been built in the past 300 years. The construction engineers say the same thing. The temple stones will not absorb water from the soil as granite has been installed below them. The construction has been done such that as the temple ages, the foundation will become stronger. No concrete has been used here, as concrete does not last beyond 150 years.

Darshan allowed till post-midnight

Champat Rai said that on 22 nd January, grand pooja will be conducted in more than 5 lakh temples all over India. Every Sanatani Hindu should light at least 5 lamps outside his/her house. The devotees can come for darshan to the temple from 26 th January onwards. The temple doors will remain open till all the people have got darshan, even beyond the midnight.