Union Government plans to revive Sanskrut dictionary project

MoU signed between Central Sanskrut University and Deccan College for the project

Pune – The sanskrut dictionary project which has been in progress in the Deccan College for the last 75 years, will be revived with the support of the Union Government. Along with the Central Sanskrit University, other universities will collaborate for this project and will fill up 29 posts for the project. The documents and dictionary volumes which have been digitised so far will be made available to all, on the website. MoU has been signed between Central Sanskrut College and Deccan College. The Sanskrut dictionary project is massive and in the next 2 months, people can view the dictionary volumes. Sanskrut departments across the country will be guided by the Deccan College. An online curriculum will be created for student training. Central Sanskrit University has been given directions to support this project. This project will be taken up at the international seminars to bring it to the global level. ‘Technology will make the job of project dictionaries easier. In future, this kind of project can be worked out for other languages too, noted Dr Anil Sahasrabuddhe, President of the Federation of Educational Technology.