Highest rate of internet usage among children in Maharashtra

  • CRY survey reveals
  • Chat-based communication is leading to the exposure of children aged 6 to 14 to potential risks and cheating!
  • Parents need to remain vigilant and monitor their children closely

Mumbai – According to a recent survey conducted by Child Rights and You (CRY), an NGO for children’s rights, adolescents (14-18 years) were found to have the highest internet usage, followed by adults (above 18 years), and then children (6-14 years) in Maharashtra. (In today’s times, although technology has become an integral part of life, it is important to ensure that children do not fall prey to its negative consequences. – Editor) The survey also highlights the alarming trend of children between 6-14 years of age group being exposed to risks and frauds due to chat-based communication. During the workshops, both boys and girls confessed experiencing cyber bullying and receiving friendship requests from unknown individuals online.

As per the survey, the States with the next highest rankings following Maharashtra are Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka,