Under the invaluable guidance of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, Spiritual research is being conducted on behalf of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ !
1. Due to an increase in the scope of spiritual research, a study of photographs rather than the study of actual persons or objects is being done
2. Photographs of persons or objects emit vibrations of the person or object
3. The Pioneer of the concept of ‘Research through photographs’ is Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale !
4. Benefits of the concept of doing research through photographs
4 A. More than one research study is possible at the same time
4 B. Limitations in research can be overcome
4 C. Research on events beyond intellect can be done more easily
4 D. Unique research on Yajna yag possible
4 E. Possible to study positive and negative changes in people or objects
5. Possible to do unique research related to Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale
Under the invaluable guidance of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, research is being conducted on behalf of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ !
‘So that the curious all over the world understand the importance of Spirituality and can experience Bliss by doing spiritual practice themselves, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale explains Spirituality and spiritual practice in modern scientific terms. Since 2014, spiritual research is being conducted on behalf of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’, using devices like ‘Electrosomatographic Scanning’, ‘Universal Aura Scanner (UAS)’, ‘Poly-contrast Interference Photography (PIP)’, ‘Thermal Imaging’ and ‘Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV)’. This research is being corroborated with knowledge obtained through the subtle dimension, that is beyond the gross five senses (eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin), mind and intellect, which is ‘subtle analysis’ (note).
Note – That which is beyond the gross five senses (eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin), mind and intellect is the ‘subtle’ ! What the subtle-mind (subconscious) perceives about a phenomenon is called ‘subtle analysis’.
Under the guidance of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, research on various topics has been conducted on behalf of Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay and over 5000 readings taken using different scientific devices. Due to His invaluable guidance this spiritual research is continuing, going through many challenges. Let us understand the points in this context through this article.
1. Due to an increase in the scope of spiritual research, study of photographs rather than the study of actual persons or objects is being done : In the research, many readings have been taken with ‘UAS (Universal Aura Scanner)’. UAS can be used to measure positive and negative energies of objects, premises and people. Until the year 2018, the maximum aura of positive energy used to be up to 10 to 12 metres. But from 2019, as these aura measurements started increasing to more than even 35 metres, the area for accurate measurements became insufficient. Readings were then taken at another place with a bigger area. A few months later, it was noted that for Saints and their belongings, the auras were measuring more than 500 metres. From the year 2021, the scope of research and the number of readings started increasing. Therefore, measuring the auras of people or objects, transporting them to long distances brought many limitations. So, instead of taking readings of people or objects, taking readings of their photographs was started. The principle behind it is given below.
2. Photographs of persons or objects emit vibrations of the person or object : ‘Word, touch, form, taste, smell and their energy co-exist’, is a principle in Spirituality. As per this principle, there are vibrations of people and objects in their respective photographs. Therefore, whatever aura is measured for an individual the same is also measured in his photograph. This fact was verified by conducting some experiments taking readings. For example an individual’s aura was measured followed by the aura of his photograph. Both the measured auras were approximately the same. Same was found true for the auras of objects too.
3. The Pioneer of the concept of ‘Research through photographs’ is Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr. Athavale ! : In the year 2021, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale asked to conduct research on the photographs of His room, and also the temple in His room. This research turned out to be excellent. The concept of ‘Research through photographs’ became an important part of spiritual research thereafter. The benefits of this concept are given below and display Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s vision.
4. Benefits of the concept of doing research through photographs
4 A. More than one research study is possible at the same time : Sometimes, it was necessary to perform research of Yajna-yag (ritual of sacrificial fires) or other religious rituals or research related to Saints, on the same day. At such times, taking photographs of the persons or objects and studying them later made it possible to conduct more than one research study at the same time. For example during Navratri 2021, Yajna-yag was performed daily at Ramnathi Ashram as per the instructions of the Maharshis (Sages). At the same time, daily ritual of Shri Saptashati-path (recitation of verses) was performed in the room of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale. At that time, the subjects of both the studies were photographed daily and their readings were taken later. So research now is no longer limited by time and place as before.
4 B. Limitations in research can be overcome : Taking readings of the photographs of the seekers and Saints participating in the study has helped in saving their time and the extra strain. Also, it has become possible to overcome the limitations faced in summer, monsoon and winter. Whenever research on music is conducted 3-4 studies are performed in a day. At such times there are many limitations in physically transporting the artists and their musical instruments and the audience (subjects in the study consisting of seekers and Saints), as well as the plants involved in the research, for taking the readings. So, taking readings of the photographs has made it possible to complete many research studies.
4 C. Research on events beyond intellect can be done more easily : In the spiritual world, positive and negative incomprehensible events are happening all the time. Research on photographs related to these events reveals various aspects of Spirituality, for example in 2022, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s photograph in the prayer room fell down automatically without any apparent reason. Research done on the photographs of this incident revealed ‘How powerful negative energies attack the Saints, so also the intensity of the attacks.
4 D. Unique research on Yajna-yag possible : In January 2022, some yajna-yags were performed at the Ramnathi Ashram under the instructions of the Maharshis. The peculiarity of these yajna-yags is that they are effective not only on the earth, but also in the saptalokas (7 subtle positive regions). Photographs of the soil, water and atmosphere of various places within the country and abroad were taken and research done to see the effect of the ritual on them. Some seekers of Sanatan Sanstha have attained Maharlok (higher positive region) after death and Saints who renounced their bodies have attained Janalok (higher positive region). The effect on the photographs of some of these selected seekers and Saints on placing them at the Yajna site was studied. From this study the positive effect of the Yajna on the atmosphere at distant places, as well as on the subtle bodies in the 7 subtle positive regions was evident.
4 E. Possible to study positive and negative changes in people or objects : Photographs of persons or objects contain their vibrations present at that particular time. Therefore, positive and negative changes in a person or object can be studied through photographs from that period. For example, a study of the Divine changes in the hair and nails of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale was possible through His year-wise photographs. Also, a study of the stains that appeared on the walls of His room was possible due to photographs of the stains. How evil forces try to obstruct the mission of Saints and how God protects Saints through various means could be understood through this research.
5. Possible to do unique research related to Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale : From 2022 onwards, positive aura readings related to Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale have been more than 2337 metres ; but there were limitations of measuring them accurately as the area to walk backwards with the UAS device was not available.
Therefore, there was a doubt on how to measure the aura accurately. So, from 2023, auras were measured with a pendulum. From this, it was noted that the aura readings of the objects related to Him like His hair, nails, clothes, the temple in His room and His room were thousands of metres. In April 2023, the aura reading of Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr. Athavale, was 1 lakh 93 thousand metres. From this, it became apparent as to why the Maharshis referred to Him as an Incarnation and bestowed the title of ‘Sachchidananda Parabrahman’ on Him in May 2022.
Gratitude : Due to the resolve and the blessings, the vision and invaluable guidance of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, the spiritual research done on behalf of Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay is going on unhindered. The golden opportunity for the seekers in the research department of Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay to conduct research related to Him is the fruit of their merit of past births. Our heartfelt gratitude unto His feet for the opportunity of seva (service unto God Principle), under His guidance!
– Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve, Maharshi Adhytma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (24.5.2023)