Muslim youth gangrape Hindu girls in Jaipur, Rajasthan

(Credit : Outlook India)

Jaipur (Rajasthan) – A sensational case of ‘Love Jihad’ has now come to light. A Muslim youth named Moin Khan lured 3 Hindu girls into his trap. He kept 2 of the women captive and raped them. Along with him, 2 of his minor friends also joined in the act. The Police have arrested Moin Khan. His juvenile friends have also been caught and sent to a juvenile detention center.

1. A 17-year-old Hindu girl filed a complaint against Moin Khan at the Jaipur Police station. The victim informed the Police that Moin Khan met her in the Sindhi camp area. He told her that his name was Monu and then he lured her into his trap of love. He then lured her to a hotel in Jalupura where he raped her.

2. The victim further informed the Police that he had kept another minor Hindu girl as a prisoner in the same hotel room where Moin raped her. She said that Moin’s accomplices also joined him in her rape.

3. Once they got the information about the incident, the Police rushed to the hotel in Jalupura and arrested Moin. It later became known that Moin had committed similar atrocities in the past, where he had trapped other girls in a similar manner.

Editorial Viewpoint

Religious fanatics have hatched a conspiracy to corrupt the morals of Hindu girls and ruin their lives. Efforts must be made on war-footing to prevent this.