Married Siraj posed as Gautam and raped tribal girl by luring her into love trap

Incident of Love Jihad in Bharuch, Gujarat

Bharuch (Gujarat) – A case of love jihad has come to light where Siraj Rustom Khan, a married father of 3, posed as ‘Gautam’ on Instagram. He then lured a tribal girl into a love trap. She was raped with the promise of marriage and threatened by obscene pictures of her. She was extorted of Rs 70,000 during this period. A case has been registered in the Police Station and Siraj Khan has been arrested.

(Credit : Times Now Navbharat)

Editorial viewpoint

The law against love jihad will now be enacted nationwide. Even though such a law still exists in Gujarat, religious fanatics have no fear of it. Hindu girls should not fall into the trap of such religious fanatics, and they should strengthen their lives with spiritual practice.