Ashtanga sadhana advised by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, its sequence and association with the Panchamahabhuta

1. A pioneering Ashtanga sadhana (8-fold spiritual practice) advised by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil

Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (Founder of Sanatan Sanstha) has advised the pioneering Ashtanga sadhana (8-fold spiritual practice) for the vyashti sadhana (Individual spiritual practice) of Sanatan’s seekers. He has prepared this for society as well, through the medium of Texts on spiritual practice. If this spiritual practice is followed, spiritual upliftment is certain. Since seekers have been performing this spiritual practice, 125 seekers of Sanatan Sanstha have attained Sainthood in the past 20-25 years, and 1,040 seekers have reached the spiritual level of 60% and are moving towards Sainthood. (Figures as on 25th July 2023).

2. Unique sequence of Ashtanga sadhana

This Ashtanga sadhana consists of 8 steps, viz. Elimination of personality defects, and inculcation of virtues, Elimination of ego, Namajapa (Chanting God’s Name), Awakening of Bhav (Spiritual emotion), Satsang (Holy company), Satseva (Service unto the Absolute Truth), Tyag (Sacrifice) and Priti (Unconditional love). These stages are in the chronological sequence of progress, by completing each step in spiritual practice. This sequence is unique and is associated with the Panchamahabhuta (The five Cosmic Principles), namely Pruthvi (Absolute Earth Principle), Apa (Absolute Water Principle), Tej (Absolute Fire Principle), Vayu (Absolute Air Principle) and Akash (Absolute Ether Principle).

3. Steps in Ashtanga sadhana that are complementary to activating each Panchamahabhuta in the body and emitting them at the level of Chaitanya

As we progress spiritually, each Panchamahabhuta within us begins to function at the level of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) and gets emitted. The table ahead highlights which stage of Ashtanga sadhana is complementary to which Panchamahabhuta.

4. Awakening of the Panchatattva as a result of Ashtanga sadhana

4A. Awakening of the Pruthvitattva : Sanskars (Subconscious impressions) as well as various aspects of personality defects and ego from the past births are carried over to the next birth in humans. Implementing the processes of removal of personality defects and inculcation of virtues and the elimination of ego, along with chanting God’s Name slowly leads to the removal of personality defects and ego. This results in the purification of the body. This effectively means that the inertia (or grossness) of the Pruthvitattva in the body begins to disappear and Pruthvitattva begins to function at the level of Chaitanya. When this happens, the spiritual level of the individual crosses 50%.

4B. Awakening of the Apatattva : In the second stage of spiritual practice, efforts to awaken bhav lead to awakening of the Apatattva in the individual. ‘Where there is bhav there is God’, it is said. This means that if we want to experience God and be in communion with Him, we must develop bhav. The softness, gentleness of behaviour evident upon awakening of bhav is associated with the Apatattva. With the awakening of bhav, the spiritual level crosses 60%.

4C. Awakening of the Tejtattva : Satsang and satseva are important in the third stage of spiritual practice. Untiringly remaining in Sat (Absolute Truth) leads to forgetting Maya (Material world). As a result, the body gets Chaitanya constantly. Chaitanya by itself signifies the presence of Tejtattva. Once the ability to obtain Chaitanya develops, the spiritual level crosses 70%, meaning, Sainthood is attained.

4D. Awakening of the Vayutattva : Sacrifice is an important aspect in the fourth stage of spiritual practice. Nothing can be obtained in life without sacrifice. Spiritual practice calls for sacrifice of the body, mind and wealth. Devoting oneself to the cause of serving the Nation & Dharma is a great sacrifice. Sacrifice leads to forgetting body-awareness. This also brings about lightness, sweetness in behaviour. This itself indicates awakening of the Vayutattva. Once this happens, the spiritual level crosses 80%, meaning, the state of Sadguru is attained.

4E. Awakening of the Akashtattva : In the fifth and final stage of spiritual practice, Priti has to be imbibed. Priti means unconditional love, which makes one feel close to everyone. Priti gives an all-encompassing vision. We learn to think holistically. God manages the functioning of the entire Universe. This is His Priti. This itself indicates the Akashtattva. When we develop Priti, the spiritual level crosses 90%, meaning, the level of Paratpar Guru is attained.

In this way, the Ashtanga sadhana advised by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale simplifies the path of spiritual progress and the goal of God-realisation is easily attained.

– Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil, Ph.D., Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa.

Various other aspects of ‘Ashtanga sadhana’

I also realised the following aspects about these eight steps :

1. The first five steps – elimination of personality defects, elimination of ego aspects, chanting, efforts to awaken bhav, and Satsang – are psychological in nature and need to be worked through our mind. Even if a seeker is unwell, he can easily incorporate these steps into his spiritual practice.

2. The first four steps – elimination of personality defects, elimination of ego aspects, chanting, and efforts to awaken bhav – help in dissolving our mind. The other three steps – Satsang, Satseva and Tyag – help in dissolving our intellect, and Priti helps eliminate our ego.


Individual spiritual experiences of seekers published in SanatanPrabhat are according to the Principle – ‘Where there is bhav (Spiritual emotion), there is God’. It is not that every individual will have similar experiences.

According to the ancient and profound Nadibhavishya, the Saptarshis have written the future of every individual.

Saptarshis have written the Jeevnadipattis through H.H. (Dr) OmUlagnathan, who says in Tamil that Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is an Incarnation of Shri Vishnu.

  • Ashtanga sadhana simplifies the path of spiritual progress and the goal of God-realisation is easily attained !