Barbara, a woman from Poland, came to India to meet her lover Shadab from Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)

Another case similar to Seema Haider’s

New Delhi – While the ‘Seema Haider’ issue of a woman from Pakistan falling in love with an Indian young man named Sachin through the online game ‘PubG’ is becoming viral, a Polish woman named Barbara came to meet her lover in Jharkhand after falling in love with him through ‘Instagram’. 49-year-old Barbara, a Polish woman befriended Shadab Alam from Hazaribagh (Jharkhand) through ‘Instagram’ in 2021. Later they started developing feelings for each other. Now Barbara, a divorcee, has come with her 6-year-old daughter Ananya to India. She can stay in India on a Tourist Visa for five years. She has divorced her 1st husband. She is currently living with Shadab in Bartua village in Hazaribagh, hoping to get married soon.

Editorial perspective

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) should investigate whether these foreign women coming to India under the garb of love have any other underlying motives.