Fanatic Muslims attack Hindu families in Uttarakhand !

  • A pregnant Hindu lady was also kicked in the stomach
  • Hindus feel that such incidents should not happen when there is a BJP Government in Uttarakhand

Dehradun (Uttarakhand) –  A group of 20-30 men along with their leader Imran attacked Rajendra Maurya’s family in Haldwani, Uttarakhand on the 3rd of July. These fanatics further kicked a pregnant lady on her stomach and also tore the clothes of the other women in the household. When the family tried to retaliate, stones were pelted at their house. The women of the house also complained that Imran and his accomplices stole the Mangalsutras from their necks.

A Hindu girl molested by lecherous Muslims in Dehradun : When the Hindus protested against this, the bigoted Muslims started shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘Allah is great’)!

An incident occurred in Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand where a Hindu girl was molested by lecherous Muslims. When the Hindus protested, the Muslims shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’. This incident occurred when the young woman was going home from Saharanpur Road when 2 Muslims molested her. After molesting her, they ran into the mosque. After the girl informed her parents about the untoward incident, they went to the spot along with some volunteers from local Hindu organisations. However, when they reached the Mosque the Muslims also gathered there in large numbers and started shouting slogans. As soon as the Police got information about this incident, they rushed to the spot and brought the situation under control. The Police are also on the lookout for the Muslim youths involved in this case of eve teasing.