Petition in the High Court for so-called rights of Hindu women in Bangladesh

  • Opposition by Hindu outfits in Bangladesh
  • Allegation of attempt to ruin Hindu families

New Delhi – A petition has been filed in the Bangladesh High Court to protect the so-called rights of Hindu women in Bangladesh. This has worried a group of Hindus. According to them, the purpose of this petition is to break Hindu families and drive Hindus out of Bangladesh.

1. The petition was filed by 3 Hindu individuals and 6 human rights organisations. Among them, Z.I. Khan Panna, chairperson of the human rights organisation ‘Ain O Salish Kendra’ said that they are only asking basic human rights through this petition. (Hindus are capable to determine what Hindu women want and don’t want. Other religions’ people should not interfere in it. Instead, they should pay focus on empowering Muslim women ! – Editor)

2. The petition states that Hindu women are still governed by customary laws and treated as burden in their society. Equal rights are promised to all in Bangladesh. This promise does not seem to be fulfilled in respect of Hindu women. Women all over the world, including neighboring Hindu-majority India, live according to the law. Due to this, it is necessary to do the same in Bangladesh. Appropriate steps should be taken for this.

Bangladesh High Court (Credit : Dhaka tribune)

3. In the year 2012, the ‘Hindu Marriage Registration Act- 2012’ was passed in Bangladesh. It makes marriage registration optional for Hindus.

4. The petition states that Hindu women should get rights such as divorce, alimony, adoption etc. A woman should also get a share in the ancestral property. The life of Hindu women should be governed by modern laws.

5. Hindu organisation named ‘Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance’ has opposed this petition. Also, this organisation is going to create awareness against this at various places. The General Decretary of this organisation, Gobinda Chandra Pramanik said, “they don’t want our peace. They want to break up our families and get us out of Bangladesh. Some NGOs have filed this petition for their own business interests.”

Hindu Women in Bangladesh (Credit : Law of Bangladesh)

6. Rana Dasgupta, General Secretary of ‘Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council’ said, “our organisation is keeping an eye on this matter. I personally believe that Hindu women are deprived of rights and their situation needs to change”

Editorial Viewpoint

The overall condition of Hindus in Bangladesh is worse and efforts are being made to destroy their very existence. Why no petition is filed in this regard ?