Singer Lucky Ali deletes controversial post about Brahmins after backlash from Hindus

Singer Lucky Ali

Mumbai – Following the outcry by Hindus, singer Lucky Ali has deleted a Facebook post that stated, “Brahmans are a lineage of Ibrahim”. While apologising for this, he has said, “I will be more aware of what I am posting and of my phrasing”.

In this controversial post, Lucky Ali said that the word ‘Brahman’ comes from the word ‘Brahma’. This word has come from ‘Abraham’ or ‘Ibrahim’. Hence, Brahmans are a lineage of Ibrahim. So, what will we gain by fighting among ourselves ? (The definition of the word ‘Brahman’ is ‘ब्रह्म जानति इति ब्राह्मणः’ (One who understands Brahma is a Brahman). ‘Brahman’ is the first of the four varnas mentioned by Shrikrushna in the Bhagawadgeeta. The Sect which Lucky Ali is claiming the word ‘Brahman’ has originated from did not even exist at that time.  – Editor)

After deleting the original post, Ali posted another apology on Facebook saying, “I realise the controversy of my last post. I did not intend to hurt anyone’s feelings. I am sorry if that happened. It was my intention that we should all come together. Many of my Hindu brothers and sisters have been hurt by this. For that, I am deeply sorry.” Lucky Ali is a famous singer in the Hindi film industry. Currently, he is settled in Bengaluru.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • Needless to say, if a Hindu had made such a post about Ali’s community by mistake, what would have been the consequences by now !
  • When will Hindus create awe so that other sects will not dare to say anything wrong about Hindu Dharma and culture ?