Benedict XVI claimed ‘Gay clubs’ rampant in seminaries

Porn films were also being shown !

New Delhi – The (Late) Pope Benedict XVI claimed that ‘homosexual clubs’ operate openly in many Catholic seminaries, especially in the United States, in a new book published after his death.

Pope Benedict, who led the Roman Catholic Church from 2005 until his resignation in 2013, authored a series of essays in Italian that was published after his death in the book ‘What Christianity Is’. Some of its contents are previously published essays, while some of the writing contained in it is being published for the first time.

The (Late) Pope Benedict XVI

It is now being discussed that perhaps it is because of such claims that Pope Benedict asked the book to be published after his death.
We reproduce some noteworthy points mentioned in his book.

1. “In several seminaries, homosexual clubs operate more or less openly” Benedict wrote. He added that such clubs were most prevalent in US seminaries.

2. The former Pope wrote that some bishops had allowed seminaries to show pornographic films to students and warned that the training of new priests faced a possible ‘collapse’.

3. The book also alleges incidents of lay students and priesthood candidates in Germany living together with married representatives, spouses, children and also girlfriends.

“The fury of the circles opposed to me in Germany is so strong that the appearance of any word from me immediately provokes a murderous clamour on their part. I want to spare myself and Christendom this”, the former Pope added.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • Now that these shocking revelations have been made by a former Pope himself, Catholic priests seem to have no morality left !
  • The so-called secularists and progressives in India will never utter a word on this, nor will the media feature any news on these revelations !