Send back the 2 priests appointed at the Datta Peeth at Chikkamagaluru

The anti – Hindu demand of Souharda Vedike secretary Gouse Mohiuddin

Datta Peeth

Bengaluru (Karnataka) – State Komu Souharda Vedike Secretary Gouse Mohiuddin on Sunday demanded that the Chikkamagaluru district administration send back two Hindu priests who were appointed temporarily to conduct pujas during the three-day Datta Jayanti celebrations. These priests are continuing with the pujas even after the celebrations.

He further said, “Muslim priests were told to step aside, claiming that the cave shrine would be desecrated. This was an insult to the Muzavars.” (What is so insulting about this ? Muslims eat beef which is a sin for Hindus. So, if they feel that the purity of the temple is affected by such people, what’s wrong in that ? – Editor) These incidents could be an attempt to grab the Dargah property,” he further alleged. (What an irony ! Not Hindus but the Muslims have illegally occupied this holy land ! – Editor)

Editorial viewpoint

Datta Peeth originally belongs to Hindus but the Muslims are repeatedly trying to capture it ! Hindus want that the BJP State Government should take the required steps to officially hand over the place to Hindus !