India’s ancient system of governance is much superior to the modern day Democracy : Ms Madhu Purnima Kishwar

Ms Madhu Purnima Kishwar, Founder President, Manushi

If society is not organised, Ramrajya will not materialise. The principal duty of a king is to nurture his subjects and protect them from the external enemy, so also maintain peace and ensure prosperity.

During the earlier times, kings used to perform great Yajnas and empty out their coffers. No petitioner left their courts dissatisfied. Charity was considered to be the Dharma of a king. The perspective of kings in the western countries was just the opposite. The Indian kings did not build huge palaces; instead, they built huge temples.

Hindu Dharma considers contentment to be infinite wealth. Democracy involves climbing up by defeating everyone on the way. In Ramrajya, the king rules; but does not interfere in the tasks being performed by the subjects. The people’s representatives who get elected in the so-called Democracy of today, try to recover their expenses (made during the elections). Hence, being in power is considered to be a permit to plunder public wealth.

Today, elections in a Democracy are fought on the basis of caste, language and region. A gang-war-like situation exists continuously. In the ancient times, especially during the Mahabharat phase, conspiracies were hatched to cause harm; however, they were within limits. Now, all the limits have been crossed. Efforts are being made to break society everywhere.

The advocates of modern Democracy try to teach Indians human rights, humanity, etc. However, humanity has been a feature of Hindu Dharma since its early times and human rights have been honoured naturally. Earlier, even wars were fought within the framework of some rules. In the modern times (during war) cities are set ablaze, colossal loss is caused to humanity. Aspects such as religious conversions, ‘Sarr Tan Se Juda (Decapacitation), blackmailing through vote-banks have become common in today’s Democracy. Considering all this, we can say that Democracy has become a millstone around the neck !

– Ms Madhu Purnima Kishwar