Hindu women asked to remove Mangalsutra before entering an examination centre in Telangana

Muslim women allowed to enter wearing a burqa !

Hyderabad (Telangana) – A controversial incident came to light in Hyderabad where Hindu women were asked to remove jewellery such as bangles, earrings, neck chains and Mangalsutra before entering an examination centre, while Muslim women were allowed to enter wearing a burqa. The incident took place in the Degree College in Adilabad on 16th October during the Telangana State Public Service Examination. A video of the incident was circulated on Twitter. (Hindus should oppose the politicians of Telangana who are insulting Hindus through such acts only out of their hatred for Hindus. No reason was given on this instruction to the women who were wearing Mangalsutras. Hindus should protest against this legally. – Editor)

In response to the video, BJP leader Priti Gandhi said this amounted to appeasement politics. Other BJP leaders in Telangana then criticised the Telangana Rashtra Samithi Government through Tweets and accused TRS of playing politics in such matters too.

Editorial viewpoint

What is surprising if such an incident takes place in a State where the Telangana Rashtra Samithi Government is in power, a Government that is known for appeasing minorities ?