Sikh girl abducted, converted and married to a Muslim in Pakistan

  • The Rasta Bandh protest by Sikhs
  • Abduction by support from Administration

Buner (Pakistan) – On 20th August, Dina Kaur, daughter of Sikh Gurucharan Singh, was abducted at gunpoint in Buner District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Afterward, she was forcibly converted and married off to Muslim youth. As a result of this incident, Sikh citizens staged a Road Bandh protest (closing roads) here. In their statement, they said that the agitation would continue until the girl was returned.

(Credit : Hindustan Times)
Sikhs alleged that we want to tell Pakistanis and foreign nationals that we are being oppressed here. We are under attack. The Administration here is also involved in the conspiracy to abduct the girl. While we were being misled throughout the day, our daughter was being tortured and forcefully converted. The Police have not even registered a case. The girl was forced to sign some documents with the help of the Administration.

Editorial viewpoint

Why is Khalistani from Punjab and Canada silent about this ? Is this acceptable to them ?