If China attacks Taiwan, then Arunachal Pradesh will be the next target !
Warning from defense expert Chellaney !
New Delhi – Defense and foreign affairs expert Brahma Chellaney has warned India that if the Chinese military takes Taiwan, the next target could be Arunachal Pradesh.
My op-ed: If Taiwan falls to China, Beijing’s next target could be the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which is almost three times as large as Taiwan and which Chinese maps already show as part of China. So, Taiwan’s defense is vital to Indian security. https://t.co/EYBIzdO4KD
— Brahma Chellaney (@Chellaney) August 21, 2022
1. Chellaney said in his article in the Japanese newspaper Nikkei, If Taiwan is occupied by China, Beijing’s next target could be the state of Arunachal Pradesh in India. The state of Arunachal Pradesh is 3 times bigger than Taiwan. China has already shown on its map that Arunachal Pradesh is part of China. Therefore, Taiwan’s security is very important to Indian security.
2. He said that even after 28 months have passed, China’s campaign to conquer the Ladakh region continues. Still, India is preparing for a possible meeting between Prime Minister Modi and Xi Jinping at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit.
3. The well-known US magazine Foreign Policy said in an article ‘India’s Taiwan Movement’ that the situation in the Indo-Pacific region has changed dramatically and that it is now time for India to strengthen its political ties with Taiwan.