57% of time of the Rajyasabha wasted in the last 5 years : Venkaiah Naidu’s regret
New Delhi – As a speaker of the Rajyasabha this is my 14th and the last session in the last 5 years and I could learn a lot from it. Out of the scheduled 248 days Rajyasabha worked only for 141 days in the last 13 Sessions. That means 57% time had been wasted, Venkaiah Naidu, the speaker of the Rajyasabha and Vice-President expressed his regret.
नायडू यांचा पाच वर्षांचा कालावधी; आत्मपरीक्षण करण्याचा सल्ला #venkaiahnaidu #rajyasabha #work #india #delhi #sakalnews https://t.co/YVpsUQuqlk
— SakalMedia (@SakalMediaNews) July 18, 2022
Editorial perspective
Lot of time is wasted in every session of the Parliament. Neither fine is collected, nor action is taken against those responsible for it, hence there is no change in the situation. If the Parliament is going to work like this by spending the taxpayers money, then people should ask them constitutionally to justify their action. |