Education should create an ideal character ! – H.H. (Dr) Shibnarayan Sen, Deputy Secretary, Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha, Bengal.

Thoughts on ‘Hindu Education System’ at the 10th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan

(On dias from left) Mr Sean Clark , H.H. (Dr) Shibnarayan Sen , Dr Devkaran Sharma and at podium Swami Sanyuktanand Maharaj
H.H. (Dr) Shibnarayan Sen, Deputy Secretary, Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha, Bengal.

Ramnathi, (Goa) – In the past, schools in India were run in temples. Generally, there was a temple in every village and a school in every village. According to a report by Thomas Munro, a British official, in the year 1826, there were 1 lakh 28 thousand schools in South India. The proportion of Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya students was 25%, while the proportion of Shudra students was 65%. There was 1 school for every 1000 people. The whole village was run by temples like the schools. Later this system was shut down by the British. Even today, religious education is not taught in any school in India. Hindus cannot be taught Dharma without declaring India a Hindu Rashtra. Therefore, all institutions must come together and impart such Dharma education which will create an ideal character. At present, at least in primary schools, efforts should be made to impart Dharma education. A committee should be set up for this, appealed the Deputy Secretary of Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha in Bengal, H.H. Dr Shibnarayan Sen. He was speaking on the topic ‘Hindu Education system’ on 16th June 2022 at the 10th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan. Mr Sean Clark (Research team, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay), Swami Sanyuktanand Maharaj (Bharat Sevashram Sangh), and Dr Devkaran Sharma (Founder President of Saptarshi Gurukul at Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh) were present on the dais.

Thoughts of other speakers…

Hindus, know the importance of Sankalpashakti and resolve to do Dharmakarya ! – Mr TN Murari, BJP, Telangana

Mr TN Murari, BJP, Telangana

It is necessary to plan for the calamity that Hindus are about to face. Hindus should continue to work for Hindutva with devotion to Dharma. Hindu organizations need not fear; because God is with them. You have the responsibility of solving the problems of Hindus in the country. Hindus, understand the importance of Sankalpashakti (the power of resolve) and resolve to do Dharmakarya. If your resolve is strong then God Himself will come to fulfil it. Hindus have to unite and put up a legal fight. We have the blessings of God and Guruji (Paratpar Guru Dr Athavale).

Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan is an energy center ! – Mr TN Murari, BJP, Telangana

The current Adhiveshan is a source of energy that charges the soul. It is a morale booster that helps us work through the rest of the year.

Mr T.N. Murari’s bhav unto Paratpar Guru Dr Athavale

Before beginning his address, Mr T.N. Murari said, “Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s (source of inspiration) Guruji (Paratpar Guru Dr Jayant Athavale) is holding on to our hands and guiding us on the spiritual plane. I offer my salutations to Him. There is a need for those who can guide us. That is why the mission can be carried forth successfully.”

World Heritage Sites Should Be Reconsidered From a Spiritual Perspective ! – Mr Sean Clarke, Research Team, Maharishi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay

Mr Sean Clarke, Research Team, Maharishi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay

To know the importance of Hindu Dharma, every Hindu should be aware of spiritual research. Research by Maharishi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay with the help of scientific instruments has shown that objects or places that are externally appealing do not necessarily have to be spiritually pure. In this regard, research experiments were conducted on the heritage sites known as the 7 wonders of the world. We found that all seven of these sites emit a large amount of negative energy. Most of the heritage sites have tombs. On the other hand, when the readings of the famous Shri Tirupati Balaji Temple were taken, only positive energy was found, without any negative energy; unfortunately Shri Tirupati Balaji Temple is not a World Heritage Site. From this, it is clear that ‘World Heritage Sites should be reconsidered from a spiritual perspective’, asserted Shri. Sean Clarke, a member of the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay Research Team. He was speaking on ‘Research work of Maharishi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalaya that proves the importance of Hindu culture’.

At this time Mr Clarke emphasized the importance of Maharishi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalaya’s research work on Hindu Dharma through scientific instruments. It includes the testing of over a thousand samples of water from all over the world, different types of Swastik, spiritual vibrations from the homes of those who do and do not practice spirituality, studies on books written by different authors, computer fonts and the effect of chanting on the Kundalini chakras.

Highlights :

1. At this time Mr Clarke also had the audience conduct a spiritual experiment. The phrase ‘Sun rises in the east and sets in the west’, spoken in Chinese, English, and Sanskrit was played. Through this experiment, the audience realized the importance of the Sanskrit language.
2. Attendees were shown subtle images of the Taj Mahal and the river Yamuna that flows next to it. Everyone present was impressed to see ‘Chaitanya emanating from the seemingly polluted river Yamuna’.

It is important to protect Hindus in the country ! – Swami Sanyuktanand Maharaj, Bharat Sevashram Sangh

Swami Sanyuktanand Maharaj, Bharat Sevashram Sangh

Even though India is a peace-loving country, every Saint should fulfill their duty. Saints are fighting for the welfare of the world. Let it not be said that since they neglected their duty of protecting Hindus, their numbers decreased. Therefore, it is important to protect Hindus in the country first. The intellectuals and common people of the country are following ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharma’ stated by Mohandas Gandhi. Due to this, even today Hindus are being persecuted by fanatics. Gandhi was not strong; since the Hindus followed him, they suffered much harm. Hindus must unite so that this does not recur. This should be our resolve because nothing can be accomplished without a strong resolve. If you put a weapon in the hands of a sleeping person, it will not work. Therefore, such people should be awakened. Don’t harbour any expectations of the fruit of your work. The fruit will come later.

Highlights :

A video on the atrocities faced by Bangladeshi Hindus was shown to the attendees of the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan.

Dasharatha, Shriram, Bharat, Vikramaditya, and such kings who were educated in a Gurukul, became successful ! – Dr Devkaran Sharma, Founder President, Saptarshi Gurukul, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

Dr Devkaran Sharma, Founder President, Saptarshi Gurukul, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

Gurukul education inculcates good values in children. Gurukul teaches human values to be a good and virtuous person. By studying the Vedas, the vices of greed, ego, and temptation disappear. Till now, Dashrath, Shriram, Bharat, and Vikramaditya, who have been educated in Gurukul, have not exploited the masses. Those kings have become successful. This power is obtained through Vedic studies in Gurukul. We can establish the Hindu Rashtra on the basis of the power we get from Vedic studies, asserted Dr Devkaran Sharma, Founder President of the Saptarshi Gurukul, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. He was speaking on the topic of ‘Need for Gurukul-based education policy’.

Dr Devkaran Sharma further said,

1. Gurukul education has been practiced in India for 800 years, but at present 90% of the people in the country do not know this. The teaching in Gurukul is Yogavadi (taking the student toward God), it is not Bhogavadi (taking the leaner toward hedonism).

2. When one enrolled in a Gurukul Ashram, daily practice of Dharma, the study of Vedas, Upvedas, Upanishads, and Niti Shastra were taught. Material knowledge and Knowledge were also taught.

3. Gurukul teaches how to worship Surya and Gayatri Mantra along with Yogasana, Pranayama, Vyayama. The routine of Gurukul is fixed from waking up at 5 in the morning to 10 o’clock at night. The routine has to be stringently followed.

4. While reciting Vedmantra, one also studies how the words of mantras should be pronounced. Such a high standard of education was imparted through gurukuls, but invaders knowingly destroyed the Gurukul education system.