I respect Hindu Dharma far more than Islam ! – Geert Wilders
Amsterdam (Netherlands) – Geert Wilders, the President of ‘Party for Freedom’ and who supports Nupur Sharma, has once again tweeted about India. He says in the tweet that cultural relativism is a misleading concept. People are equal but cultures are not. A culture based on humanity and freedom is always better than a culture based on intolerance and submission. Therefore I respect Hinduism a million times more than Islam.
Cultural relativism is a misleading concept. People are equal but cultures are not. A culture based on humanity and freedom is always better than a culture based on intolerance and submission. Therefore I respect Hinduism a million times more than Islam. #IsupportNupurSharma
— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) June 13, 2022
He has also used the hashtag #IsupportNupurSharma.