Why is McDonald’s forcing halal on Hindus in India ? : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
Demand for putting an immediate stop on halal certifications’ illegal system !
Mumbai, 13th April – In a secular country like India, we are told about having the freedom of following our own religion, along with its customs and traditions. This freedom is, however, not applicable to Hindus. Isn’t it against the principle of secularism and harming Hindus’ religious freedom, if India’s majority i.e. 80% of the Hindu population is forced to eat halal-certified meat ?, asked Mr Satish Kochrekar, the Spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), during a press conference held by HJS at Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh on the 13th of April 2022. Mumbai High Court advocate and the founder of Hindu Task Force Khush Khandelwal, and Sanatan Sanstha’s Dr (Mrs) Deeksha Pendbhaje shared the dais with Mr Kochrekar.
Mr Satish Kochrekar said further,
1. Muslims insist on halal meat as per the teachings of Islam, while non-vegetarian Hindus and Sikhs prefer Jhatka meat as per their religious beliefs.
2. Even then, a foreign company like McDonald’s in India is offering only halal-certified non-vegetarian items. Isn’t it an insult to the majority Hindu population in India ?
3. Halal has not remained limited to only meat or other food items, but it has become an economic system under which halal certification has been asked for every product from cosmetics to hospitals.
4. Halal certification has been made compulsory for Indian companies which want to sell their products in Islamic countries.
5. It has been found that this halal money is used for providing legal aid to terrorists.
6. It can be a threat to the Indian economy in the future and even to national security; therefore, Hindus should boycott all halal-certified products and the Government should immediately impose a ban on the illegal halal certification system.
7. A person making halal meat has to have faith in Allah i.e. a Muslim; therefore, the butcher Hindu community is being left out, although they are in this business for generations. It can lead to the Hindu butcher community becoming jobless.
Why are the progressive factions keeping mum on halal certification ? – Advocate Khush Khandelwal
Some Indian companies are issuing halal certificates for every product which is then forced on Hindus. It is against the principle of secularism. Using words like secularism, rights conferred by the Constitution, all religions are equal, etc., while keeping mum on injustice against Hindus is fake progressiveness. Buying a halal-certified product is, in a way, helping terrorist activities.
The minority population should respect the religious values of the majority population ! – Dr (Mrs) Deeksha Pendbhaje
Hindus despite being in majority never disrespected the spiritual freedom of the minority people. However, under the guise of halal certification, the tolerance of Hindus is being tested. Nassim Nicholas Taleb in England had coined the term ‘The Dictatorship of the Small Minority’ for the minorities who force the majority to eat halal meat.
Just published “The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority” https://t.co/eliFyBnbbF
— Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) August 14, 2016
Therefore, the minority community must value and respect the religious sentiments of Hindus.