Karnataka Youth Congress spokesperson Suraiyya Anjum urges students demanding hijab to focus on education when on campus

Follow religion at home and not carry it to educational institutions

Editorial Comment

 What do the Congressmen who are wanting hijab to be permitted on campus have to say about this ?

Mangaluru (Karnataka) – India has allowed everyone to practise Dharma, but Dharma should be followed at home. When one leaves home one should remember that I am a proud Indian first, said Karnataka Youth Congress Spokesperson Suraiyya Anjum. A video of her statement has gone viral on social media. Congress General-Secretary Priyanka Vadra has backed the demand to allow Muslim students to wear hijab in colleges. In this background, Anjum’s statement becomes more important.

Suraiyya Anjum further said,

1. Freedom given by the Constitution is being abused

Hijab is my right. Hijab is the symbol of my religion. The country gave me the right to religious freedom, but we are abusing this religious freedom given by our Constitution.

2. My country is bigger than my religion

The lack of national pride among the students is the main reason behind such protests in the name of ​​religion in educational institutions. No religion is greater than the nation. My country is bigger than my religion.

3. Students should wear uniforms

The students are currently insisting that they will wear hijab to college. The management has never said, not to wear a burqa or hijab, but they have requested not to wear hijab in class, she said. Uniforms have been introduced in Indian educational institutions for many years. The very word uniform means ‘we are all equal’, that is why students should wear uniforms.

4. Linking religion to education is a grave mistake

We who have come to study but are motivated by politics are upholding religion at college. Within the next ten years, this would become fatal for the country. Today’s students are the future citizens of the country. We are ruining the future of the country in the name of religion. Wear hijab and practise Dharma, but bringing religion into education is a big mistake.

5. If you want hijab, go to Islamic Colleges

Nowadays education is a necessity. Remove hijab and abide by your college. If you think religion is important then you have many Islamic colleges. Hijab is allowed there. You should go there.

6. Bangles and bindi are ornaments and have nothing to do with religion

Hindu students wear bangles and bindi, but these are not related to religion, she said.

7. Later, there will be a demand for offering Namaz 5 times

Protests are going on today for permission to wear hijab and saffron at colleges. Permission to offer Namaz 5 times will be demanded tomorrow. In this way, the demand will continue to increase with no end. Please respect equality in the classroom.