Indianisation of the Judiciary !


Editorial comments

  • Breaking the opposition to Hindu culture is extremely necessary for the development of the country !
  • When a person from the judiciary respects the principles of Hindu culture, it is a slap in the face for secularists !

At present, the misconception is spreading in our society that ‘whatever is modern is advanced or progressive and whatever is ancient, especially that which is based on Hindu culture, is regressive or it hinders progress’. If anyone praises the values of ancient Hindu culture and suggests that the present system should be changed accordingly, then every progressive (regressive actually) liberal in the country will start getting agitated and start screaming about saffronisation. Using freedom of speech as an excuse, they compare the advocates of Hindu culture with the likes of the Taliban. In such cases, Hindus who lack pride in their Dharma get confused.

However, now the supremacy of the principles of the Divine Hindu cultures has been praised, not by any Hindu devotee or any Hindu activist, but by a Supreme Court judge of the country. At the recent National Conference of the All India Federation of Advocates, Justice Abdul Nazeer said, “The laws developed by Manu, Chanakya and Bhruhaspati are correct for India.” Efforts should be made for the Indianisation of the judiciary, he said. Hindus living in an ideological confusion should understand that the judicial system, which considers the Constitution as supreme, is now advocating & implementing the values of Hindu culture in today’s modern times. Will the so-called secularists who despise Hindu Dharma take note of this ?

Rights and Responsibilities !

SC Judge Abdul Nazeer said, “Western thinking is about rights, while Indian thinking is about responsibilities. Currently, citizens have been granted many rights by the system. However, many examples show that citizens are not aware of their responsibilities. In today’s times, we can see that siblings will fight against each other to get a share of their parents’ wealth. However, the number of children who will take care of their parents is fast decreasing. Nowadays, using freedom of expression as an excuse, some people make rude statements and behave rudely in society. Nowadays ‘Doing as one pleases & dressing in any manner as one pleases’, has reached such a pedestal that social morality is decreasing rapidly without anyone realising it. While it is their duty to preserve their religious sanctity, so-called liberal women enter Hindu temples in the name of equality and violate the sanctity of those temples. After the Government takeover of Hindu temples, the concerned office bearers in the management committees feel that it is their right to loot these pious places. However, they do not feel that they have a responsibility towards the temple as in taking care of it, efforts to preserve its traditional religious activities. When Hindu Deities or National heroes are insulted, such people are protected under the garb of freedom of expression. Lawmakers demand more and more privileges for minorities. They even make all provisions after they are elected; but they do not perform any duty, which is in the interest of the Nation. On the contrary, when there is any case of fanaticism among anti-nationalists, there is not even a single person who has made use of his authority to stop such elements.

Importance of breaking Anti-Hindu elements !

Abdul Nazeer stated ‘Wherever the western justice system is brought into practice’, only the ruling class gets justice. It is impossible for a common man to seek justice. Under the ancient Indian judicial system, even kings had to obey the law ‘However, in today’s society, it is advised to ‘avoid ever climbing the steps of the Court’ ! Completing the proceedings of the Court, paying the lawyer’s fees and other such processes are complicated for a common Indian. On the other hand, during Ramrajya even the objection of a washerman was taken seriously. In the kingdom of Prabhu Shriram, the royal family were also bound by rules, laws, etc. Judging by the statement of Justice Abdul Nazeer, it would suffice to say that everyone would not get justice in this country. Only in the Ramrajya of Prabhu Shriram would people get justice. Despite the current situation, today’s left-wing brigade who calls itself an advocate of equality, go to great lengths to criticise Prabhu Shriram and other Hindu Deities. Rushi Manu who prepared the laws which have been praised by Justice Abdul Nazeer as the best Constitution for India is currently being criticised as a “racist” and an “anti-feminist” by these very leftists. Hatred is being spread about Rushi Manu. They even gave a call to celebrate a ‘Manusmriti Dahan Divas’ (Burning the Manusmruti) which is nothing but an insult to the religious sentiments of Hindus. Meena Kotwal, a former BBC Hindi journalist burned the Manusmriti and posted her ‘video’ on social media. It has never been heard that Meena Kotwal or others of the likes of her have ever been punished for burning the scriptures of Hindus or for hurting Hindu sentiments. Hindus experience this at every step. Hindus often wait for justice. Attempts are also being made by some organisations in the country to discredit the judges of the Supreme Court. Meaning in order for us to develop our country it is extremely important for us to break these anti-national forces. It is expected that the statements made by the judiciary will be considered rationally and without any prejudice, and the right step be taken towards the Indianisation of the judiciary.