France closes yet another mosque for 6 months !

Action taken as the imam of the mosque was targeting Christians and Jews in his speeches

Editorial comment

Why can’t India take a similar step, which a comparatively smaller country like France has taken ?

Paris (France) – The French Government has ordered the closing of a mosque in Beauvais city, which is approximately 100 km north of Paris with a population of 50 thousand people. ‘Observing the terrorist activities in the world, it has been decided to keep this mosque closed for the next 6 months. The imam of the mosque (religious leader of Islam) was spreading fanatical thoughts. A few days ago, the French Government had closed a mosque for similar reasons.

The imam has around 400 followers in the mosque. The Home Minister of France said that the imam was targeting Christians, homosexuals and Jews in his speech. The imam has been accused of rendering the teachings of hatred, violence, and Jihad (Islamic war against enemies).

1. The authorised papers of the closure of the mosque reveal that the imam has labelled ‘jihad’ as a responsibility and ‘jihadis’ as a ‘jewel’. All the non-Muslims have been declared as enemies by the imam.

2. A few days ago, the Home Minister of France had ordered the inquiry of more than 2,600 mosques and 100 places of worship of the Muslims. The Government suspected that fanatical thoughts were being spread from these places.