The similarity between the helicopter accidents of anti-China Taiwanese Army Chief and CDS Bipin Rawat

Defence Analysts question Chinese role

Taipei (Taiwan) – India’s first CDS (Chief of Defence Staff) General Bipin Rawat died in the helicopter crash near Coonoor in Tamil Nadu. Similarly, Shen Yi-ming, an anti-China Chief of the Taiwanese Army, was killed in a helicopter crash. Defence Analysts and media are comparing these two accidents. In January 2020, Shen Yi-ming was killed when his helicopter, Black Hawk, crashed in a mountainous region near Taipei. Black Hawk is supposedly one of the modern and safest American Helicopters.

Indian Defence expert Brahma Chellaney has compared the helicopter accident of General Rawat with that of the Taiwanese Military Chief. “Gen. Rawat’s death has an eerie parallel with the helicopter crash in early 2020 that killed Taiwan’s chief of general staff, Gen. Shen Yi-ming, and seven others, including two major generals. Each helicopter crash eliminated a key figure in the defence against PRC’s aggression. The strange parallel doesn’t mean there was any connection between the two helicopter crashes or an outside hand. If anything, each crash has raised important internal questions, especially about the maintenance of military helicopters transporting top generals”.

There may be USA’s hand behind General Bipin Rawat’s accident – Global Times

Beijing (China) – After Brahma Chellaney showed the similarity between the helicopter accidents of General Bipin Rawat and the Taiwanese Army Chief and both were anti-Chinese, the Chinese Government mouthpiece, Global Times, tried to counter it. In a tweet, Global Time says, “This view is like suspecting the USA played a role in the crash because India and Russia are moving forward with the delivery of a Russian S-400 missile defence system, which the USA strongly opposed.”

Statement by Global Times shows the depraved mindset of the Chinese Government – Brahma Chellaney

Brahma Chellaney promptly replied to the tweet by Global Time and tweeted, “Here’s the CCP mouthpiece misusing my tweet from a thread to accuse the US of being behind the helicopter crash that killed the top Indian General because India is buying Russian S-400 system ! Its tweet sadly points to the depraved mindset of the CCP folks.”

Chellaney further tweeted, “Clearheaded and plainspoken, Gen. Rawat became India’s public face on China’s aggression. While the political leadership has been reticent to even utter the word “China,” one could always count on Gen. Rawat to name names and call a spade a spade. Filling the void won’t be easy.”