School in Britain prohibits offering Namaz in classrooms; students offer Namaz on the school ground in cold weather !

Islamic Organisations enraged; school apologised

Editorial comment

Muslims follow their religion irrespective of the surroundings, whereas Hindus in India obey the convent schools by giving up kumkum and bangles and reciting the prayers of Jesus !

London (Britain) – The students of Oldham Academy in Great Manchester, London, offered Namaz on the ground in cold weather as it was prohibited by the schools to offer Namaz in the classroom. The Islamic organisations were enraged after a video of this Namaz which became viral on social media. The school apologised for this.

One of the students said that when they tried to offer Namaz in the classroom during the lunch break, the teacher told them to go on the school ground, so they went out, while the other said that they did not get permission to offer Namaz in the classroom.

The school explained that the students could not offer Namaz in the classroom as 15 classrooms were marooned by floodwater.