83.3% of women from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States justify husbands beating their wives

The findings of the National Family Health Survey

New Delhi – In a National Family Health Survey, 83.3% of married women from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States justify husbands beating wives. From Himachal Pradesh, 14.8% of women justified such beatings. From Karnataka, 81.9% of men agreed to husbands beating up their wives.

As many as 18 States in the country participated in the National Family Health Survey regarding domestic violence. Both men and women participated in this survey. They were asked a question ‘Husband beating his wife is it appropriate or inappropriate ?’ There were other questions such as : If she leaves home without telling him, neglecting house or children, argumentative, if she refuses to have sex, if she doesn’t cook food properly, or if she is suspected of being unfaithful.