Islamic State using TikTok App for motivating Muslim youth to carry out suicidal terrorist attacks

Editorial comment

Realise that TikTok is a Chinese App and hence, China will not impose a ban on it; because Islamic State has no impact in China, but Islamic State is active in China’s enemy countries !

New Delhi – Islamic State has started recruiting Muslim youth for carrying out suicidal terrorist attacks in western countries during Christmas and it is being done through the TikTok App. An appeal has been made through a short video for this purpose. Islamic State has created many accounts through the TikTok App for this purpose.

As per the news published in one newspaper, in one such video, it is said that those celebrating Christmas did not believe in Allah and they make a mockery of Islam. An appeal is made to Allah’s soldiers instructing them to be prepared for the bloodshed of such heretics.

This video went viral on an account of social media and was used for the propagation of the Islamic State. This account has been active for the last 18 months and has been browsed by many people thousands of times.