Navi, a digital loan lending company, insults sadhus in company advt

Editorial comment

These incidents happen repeatedly because those disrespecting the seats of the  Hindus’ faith are not severely punished. Hindu Rashtra is inevitable to bring an end to these incidents.

Mumbai – The digital loan lending company ‘Navi’ has started its own mobile App. Its promotional advertisement has been launched which is shown on the YouTube channel and the website of this company. In this advertisement, a sadhu has been presented as ‘finance Baba’. The ‘Baba’ is shown guiding the devotees regarding loans. One of the devotees asks “Baba, where to get the best and the least annoying loan ?” ‘Baba’ replies, “if you have a good salary, you will get a loan up to 5 lakhs for weddings, home renovation, etc and that too at only 12% interest rate”.

Devout Hindus are protesting against this advertisement on the following contact details –

E-mail –

Mobile no. – 8147544555

Note : The above photo has been published for people to know about the incident of insult to Hindu Dharma and not to hurt anyone’s religious sentiments. – Editor