A new law passed in China in the name of protecting borders

If anyone tries to attack, a new law has been enacted by China to retaliate !

Editorial Comment

The provocative attitude of China !

Beijing (China) – China has passed a new law to protect its borders. China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) has approved a new border law. This law will be implemented from 1st January. ‘Securing China’s sovereignty and borders’ is our top priority. “If anyone tries to attack us, we will retaliate.”

China has said in the new law that it will take all possible measures to strengthen the border. Priority will be given to the social and economic development of the people in the border areas. A large number of infrastructures are being set up along the border. China’s policy is to maintain peaceful relations with neighbouring countries. We will focus on resolving the long-pending border dispute through discussion.

As China’s role has always been expansionist, it has borders with 12 countries. These include India, Russia, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, North Korea, South Korea, Nepal, and Bhutan.