Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches ‘Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission’

Every citizen in the country to get digital ‘Health ID’  

New Delhi – There is a drive undertaken in the last 7 years for strengthening the health system in this country. It is entering a new phase today. Today, one such scheme is being launched which will bring revolutionary changes in health facilities in India, stated Prime Minister Narendra Modi while launching the ‘Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission’ through video conferencing. A digital health ID (health card) will be provided to every citizen under this scheme.

PM Modi said that every citizen would have a ‘health ID card’ which will be digital and will look like Aadhar Card. There will be a number on this card just like on Aadhar Card through which a person will be identified in the health field. Today, there are 130 crore Aadhar Card numbers, 118 crore mobile phone users, 80 crore internet users, and 43 crore ‘Jana Dhan Bank’ accounts in our country which is nowhere in the world.

Prepare your ‘health card’ in this manner !

Visit the following link of the Central Government’s ‘Health and Family Welfare Ministry’s website for registering and creating own identity card. Due to such an ID card, a patient need not carry his earlier papers related to health while visiting a doctor. Doctors will also get all data of the patients with the help of this ID no. On this basis, further treatment can be given to the patient. It will also be known from this ID card if the person is availing benefits under any other Government schemes.

The mobile phone number and Aadhar card number of a concerned person will be taken for creating this ID card and with its help, his ‘mobile health card’ will be prepared. The Government will create a health system that will collect such person’s data who wants to create his health card. The health system will extend permission to collect data of such person for making health ID Card.