Indian Army : No recent face-off with Chinese troops in Galwan Valley

Indian Army rebuts the report published by ’The Hindu’

  • We should not be surprised if someone demands strict action against such newspapers for spreading lies, instilling fear in the minds of people and more importantly questioning Indian Army’s credibility.
  • There is no lack of such anti-national newspapers in India. The fact that no action has ever been taken against such tendencies emboldens them to consider themselves to be above the law. If such is the state of affairs during peacetime, what kind of journalism these anti-national newspapers would carry during the times of war.

New Delhi – Indian Army has categorically refuted the report that there was a minor face-off between Indian and Chinese troops at Galwan Valley in Eastern Ladakh in the first week of May 2021. This news article was earlier published by ’The Hindu’. This (fake) article prompted Indian Army to step in and clarify.

The Indian Army has released an official statement in this regard stating – An article titled ’Minor face-off with Chinese troops in Galwan Valley’ published in ‘The Hindu’ on 23rd May 2021 has been taken note of. The Army clarified that no such minor face-off has taken place between Indian and Chinese troops at Galwan Valley in Eastern Ladakh in the first week of May 2021 as reported. The article seems to be inspired by sources who may be trying to derail the ongoing process for early resolution of issues in Eastern Ladakh. ‘Media professionals are requested to get clarification of actual version on incidents involving the Indian Army from authorised sources in the Indian Army and not base their reports on un-corroborated inputs from third parties’, said the Army.