A Cowshed (Gaushala) turns into a Covid Centre !

Patients are treated with cow milk and urine (Gomutra)

The Central Government should allow the Trustees of the Cowsheds as well as the Ayurvedic Doctors to set up such centres considering the huge strain on healthcare system in India on account of Covid-19 crisis.

Banaskantha (Gujarat) – A cowshed at the Tetoda village in Gujarat has been converted into a Covid Centre where the patients are treated with medicines made from cow milk and urine. Vedalakshana Panchagavya Ayurvedic Covid Isolation Centre was inaugurated on 5th May and is run by Mr. Mohan Jadhav. The Centre treats patients with mild symptoms free of cost. The second wave has already put a huge strain on existing healthcare facilities across the State. The Gujarat High Court has reprimanded the State Government over its handling of the Covid-19 situation. However, there is no improvement in situation on ground.

  1. Mr. Mahesh Jadhav informed that the patient suffering from Covid-19 is treated with 8 types of medicines. These medicines are made from cow milk, ghee and urine. Gautirth (a form of Holy water) which is prepared from cow’s urine and some specific herbs, is given to all such patients. They are also given some immunity boosting medicines made from cow’s milk. A couple of Ayurvedic Doctors have been appointed at the Centre to treat these patients. The Centre has also appointed a couple of MBBS Doctors who prescribe allopathic medicines, if deemed necessary.
  2. District Collector of Banaskantha was duly informed about this Centre and permission was granted subsequently. He later clarified that no permission was needed to set up a Covid Centre.