Mahant Pawan Kumar Das Shastri Maharaj (Mahamantri of Ayodhya Sant Samiti) asks : Why do the atheist Communists give themselves God’s Names ?

Mumbai – “Communist or leftist people who do not believe in Shriram or say ‘Shriram is not God’ are not only in today’s times but were there in in the Satyayug too. Hiranyakashyapu had asked devotee Pralhad, “Where is God ?” Hiranyakashyapu was a sort of Communist of the Satyayug. In the Satyayug, God manifested from a pillar. Likewise, in the present Kaliyug, for those who say that there is no Ram, Prabhu Shriram manifested from the ground (meaning, excavation). If the Communists do not believe in Shriram, then why is the first name of Yechury (of CPM) ‘Sitaram’ ? Why do they not change their names ? It is a fact that many Communists have Idols and pictures of Deities in their homes but oppose Deities outside. When even Ravan uttered the Name of Shriram, although out of hatred, he was emancipated. Prabhu Shriram will also emancipate the Communists who are striving for their own liberation”, said Mahant Pawan Kumar Das Shastri Maharaj (Mahamantri of Ayodhya Sant Samiti in Uttar Pradesh) speaking at an Online special webinar titled ‘Why are Prabhu Shriram and Ramrajya ideal ?’ organised by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. The programme was viewed by 8,200 people on Facebook and YouTube.

Answering questions about the existence of Shriram, Ms. Meenakshi Sharan (a history scholar) said, “More than 300 Editions of Ramayan have been published in various languages. Evidence of Shriram’s existence has been found in many continents including Asia and Europe. In an Islamic country like Malaysia, while taking oath of his post a Minister makes a reference to Shriram’s Holy feet and padukas. The Ramayan is carved on the walls in Indonesia. In Bali, writings on Shriram is seen on streets and lanes. In Thailand, kings used the prefix ‘Ram’ before their own name. Ramayan is taught in schools and colleges there, but in India, evidence of Ram’s existence is asked for. This is a conspiracy of other communities and Communists to divide Hindus. To understand this, Hindus should study their own Dharma”.

Mr. Narendra Surve said, “Even though the temple of Prabhu Shriram is being built in our secular country today, vandalism of Idols in temples, killing of Hindu girls, Love jihad, terrorism, addiction of youth, cow-slaughter and looting of patients in the corona pandemic are going on. This situation has arisen since people were not taught how to abide by Dharma in the past 74 years. In Ramrajya no one was miserable, everyone was happy because everyone was religious, philanthropic, and followed Dharma. This is why they were bestowed with a king like Prabhu Shriram. If we also want an ideal king like Shriram, we should also abide by Dharma and perform spiritual practice. If this happens, not only with Shriram Temple be constructed, but Ramrajya will materialise too in the entire world”.

In Ramrajya no one was miserable, everyone was happy because they were religious, philanthropic & followed Dharma !