Chant the Names of Deities to eliminate ailments

Sadguru (Dr.) Mukul Gadgil

To eliminate a specific ailment, through meditation I have initially searched the Principle of which Deity (of the 7 main Deities – Shri Durgadevi, Shriram, Shrikrushna, Datta, Shri Ganapati, Maruti and Shiva) is essential and in what proportion. Later, on this basis, I have formed the chants required for some ailments.

I had first searched the chant to treat coronavirus. It was realised that the chant is effective. This inspired me to search the chants for other ailments also. These chants are combined chants of various essential Deities. I am advising these chants to seekers to cure their ailments.

I realised their effectiveness after feedback from many seekers. Some months ago, some ailments, chant remedies for them and the spiritual experiences of seekers upon chanting them were published in Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’. Some more ailments and chant remedies on these are given ahead. These chants were prescribed to some seekers over the past 3 months. These seekers are requested to send their spiritual experiences to us.

If other seekers too have any of the following ailments and feel like trying out the associated chants, they should chant the Names of Deities 1 hour daily for 1 month.

Seekers are requested to send their feedback on spiritual experiences (by E-mail or post for publishing) and also for proving the effectiveness of these chants.

E-mail :

Postal address : Mrs. Bhagyashree Sawant, Sanatan Ashram, 24/B, Ramnathi, Bandora, Ponda, Goa.

People are requested to send their spiritual experiences for proving the effectiveness of chants that cure ailments !