Son of former Municipal Council VP arrested for arguing with Police for defying the Covid rules !

Given the present corona pandemic situation in the country, those demonstrating such kind of carelessness should be given rigorous punishment !

Gadag (Karnataka) – Strict rules have been laid down in the entire State in order to control the second wave of Corona. Vinayak Bakale, son of a former Vice President of the Municipality has been arrested for violating these rules and behaving irresponsibly. Vinayak did not keep mask, sanitiser and thermal scanning in his furniture shop. The Police instructed him to follow all the norms of the corona pandemic. Vinayak got upset and argued with the Police. As the situation went out of control, the Police arrested Vinayak. Through this incident, the Police have conveyed the message ‘if covid rules are violated, stringent action will be taken even against prominent people.‘