Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay conducts novel spiritual research to Spiritualise daily life !

Perform spiritual practice to avoid the harmful effect of humans on land, and to protect humans from the influence of land !

Dr. Nandini Samant

Many factors are taken into consideration when purchasing land or a premises; however, the subtle energy in that region is seldom considered. Along with land, every object has subtle energy. This energy is either positive or negative. Positive energy has a beneficial effect on the environment as well as on the humans who come in contact with it; whereas, negative energy has a harmful effect. According to the subtle energy of the object, positive or negative vibrations are emitted by it. Soil samples from various places across the world are being analysed by the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay (MAV) since February 2018 with the help of Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) and subtle knowledge, to study the subtle vibrations in the soil. Here is a brief analysis of the tests performed on the soil samples procured till November 2019.

Mrs. Dragana Kislovski

Research paper presented by the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay at the International Scientific Conference on the research of vibrations emitting from the soil samples around the world : The research paper on the ‘Subtle effects of human beings on the land and environment was presented by Mrs. Dragana Kislovski (a lady-seeker of Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay) at ‘Spaces & Flows : Ninth International Conference on Urban and Extra Urban Studies’ held in Heidelberg, Germany on 26th October 2018.


1. Method of collecting soil samples from all over the world

A. Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay appealed to seekers and well-wishers all over the world to send soil samples from their region to the Spiritual Research Centre at Ramnathi, Goa.

B. Attempts were made to obtain as many soil samples as possible from different parts of the world for this research.

A total of 428 soil samples from 33 countries were collected from 26th February 2018 to November 2019. Of these, 194 soil samples were from India, while 234 samples were from abroad.

2. A study using Universal Aura Scanner (UAS)

To study the soil samples, a Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) was used. This is an instrument developed by Dr. Mannem Murthy (a former nuclear scientist from India). The UAS enables measuring of the subtle energy (positive and negative) and the total aura around any object, premises, plant, animal or individual.

The subtle negative energy is of 2 types and is denoted by IR (Infrared) and UV (Ultraviolet). Infrared negative energy is the negative energy surrounding the object, whereas Ultraviolet negative energy indicates the negative vibrations within the object. Our experience is that the analysis based on subtle knowledge of the components and the observations done through the ‘UAS’ are exactly the same.

3. Positive and negative vibrations found in soil samples

3A. Analysis of 194 soil samples from India

Types of vibrations Proportion of soil samples according to vibrations (%)
1. Positive 65.5
2. Negative 27.3
3. Both vibrations present (Note 1) 4.1
4. No vibrations present (Note 2) 3.1
Total soil samples (%)  100

Note 1 – Both vibrations indicates the presence of positive as well as negative vibrations in the soil samples.

Note 2 – Presence of no vibrations indicates that the soil sample has so little of energy, both positive as well as negative, that the UAS could not sense it.

3B. Analysis of 234 samples from abroad

Types of vibrations Proportion of soil samples according to vibrations (%)
1. Positive 9.4
2. Negative 87.2
3. Both vibrations present (Note 1) 3
4. No vibrations present (Note 2) 0.4
Total soil samples (%)  100

The following aspects can be understood from Tables ‘3A’ and ‘3B’.

1. Of the 234 soil samples from abroad, 87.2% had negative vibrations; whereas, of the 194 soil samples from India, only 27.3% had negative vibrations.

2. Positive energy was found in only 9.4% of soil samples from abroad; whereas, positive energy was found in 65.5% of soil samples from India.

4. The ratio of maximum negative and positive vibrations in the soil samples to their type of location

Following aspects are understood from the table given below.

Site of soil sample No. of samples Maximum aura of ‘Infrared’ negative energy (Metres) Maximum aura of ‘Ultraviolet’ negative energy (Metres) Maximum aura of positive energy (Metres)
1. Urban 145 10.78 8.22 8.22
2. Rural 28 10.78 8.56 3.36
 3. Heritage and Tourism 63 5.53 3.82 2.74. Pilgrim centre
4. Pilgrim centre 142 12.14 9.52 3.76
5. Desert 1 1.83 1.38 0
6. Cremation & burial ground 22 16.7 17.7 0.84
7. Sea coast 19 3.5 2.76 1.77
8. A spiritual research centre and Ashram 8 0 0 6.12

A. The negative energy in the soil samples from the burial and cremation grounds was the highest. This negative energy adversely affects a residential or business premises adjacent to the burial or cremation grounds. Research has established that the effect of the burial ground is more adverse than that of the cremation ground.

Comparative effect of cremation and burial ground
Type of ground Severity of effects How far is the
in subtle effect in the subtle perceived (Kms.)
1. Cremation ground -10 20
2. Burial ground -2 5

B. The proportion of negative vibrations found in religious places was next to that found in the burial and cremation grounds. (The reason for this is given in the ‘Point No. 6’.)

C. Among the heritage and tourist sites, the highest negativity was noticed in the soil samples from the premises of world-famous architectural marvels.

D. Eight soil samples from a Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram showed exceptional positivity and no negativity at all.

D1. The positive energy aura of the dust in the room of a Saint in this Ashram was so large that it measured 3.74 metres.

D2. The highest positivity among the soil samples obtained from all over the world was found in the soil in the Tulsi (Holy basil) plant in the balcony of the Saint’s room. The positive energy aura of the soil in this pot was 9.3 metres.

D3. Upon looking at the subtle picture of the soil around this Tulsi plant, one understands why there is so much positive energy in the soil. (Subtle picture is a picture indicating the subtle process perceived through advanced sixth sense.)

5. Why there is no negativity at all and exceptional positivity in the 8 soil samples from a Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram ? 

At any given moment, at least 10 to 15 Saints reside in this Ashram. All the seekers residing in the Ashram are constantly working on eliminating their personality defects and are striving to progress spiritually. Here, the activities for the propagation of Spirituality go on continuously. As a result Shakti (Divine Energy) is attracted to the Ashram.

6. Why are negative vibrations emitting from religious places ? 

Negative energies subtly attack religious places to destroy the positivity present there. This has a negative effect on the priests as well as the devotees. As a result, their ability to perform spiritual practice reduces. Consequently, there is less spiritual purity in that environment; therefore, it is impossible to progress spiritually without being in the company and guidance of Saints.

7. Why do the soil samples around the world have so much negativity ?

A. Currently the world around us is going through constant uncertainty. Any moment we may have to deal with social volatility, natural disasters, terrorist attacks or war. Materialistic conduct, lack of spiritual practice, personality defects and ego influence every individualՉ۪s thoughts & actions.

Therefore, negative vibrations are being emitted by humans into the environment. These vibrations are also imbibed by the land, water, plants and animals. Consequently, the land and water across the world at present, are polluted at the spiritual level.

B. The negative subtle energies increase the total negativity in the environment by taking advantage of the flaws such as the above mentioned materialistic conduct, lack of spiritual practice, etc. of the people. This has an adverse effect on the human race.

C. The memories of social upheavals and wars that have killed billions of people over the ages may well have gone into oblivion, yet the memories of these horrendous incidents are retained in the earth.

8. The subtle effects of humans on the environment 

The harmful effects of humans on the environment are well known; but generally people are ignorant about the subtle effects. This subtle effect is shown in the subtle picture below.

9. Why there is high spiritual purity in the Indian soil ? 

The aspects given ahead explain the reasons for the spiritual purity in the Indian soil.

A. Indian culture spiritualises every aspect of human life. This way of life increases positivity and reduces negativity in every aspect of life.

B. At the physical level, 30-35% of the population in India is vegetarian; hence, the amount of meat consumption in India is less than that of the rest of the world. The large-scale slaughter of animals by the meat industry to satisfy meat consumption creates a great deal of negativity.

C. In India the construction of a premises begins with Bhumi Pujan (Worshipping Mother Earth), and before occupying the premises, religious rituals such as ‘Gruhapravesh’, etc. are performed. The presiding Deity of the premises and the Village Deity are regularly worshipped. As a result, the Principles of the respective Deities in that area become active. Consequently, negativity in the land and premises reduces and the positivity increases.

D. Many Yajnas (Rituals of sacrificial fires) are performed in different parts of India, individually as well as collectively. The Yajnas performed accompanied by recitation of mantras have a large-scale positive effect on the environment. The effect lasts for many months to several years.

E. India has the largest number of Saints in the world. The number of Saints in India is more than the combined number of Saints in all the other countries.

10. What is the significance of Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’s research with regards to the entire human race ? 

The following experimental aspects emerged from the findings of the study of soil samples from around the world in connection with this research.

A. While studying the soil samples for this research, it was realised that it is also necessary to study the subtle vibrations in the soil.

B. As of now, the environment is adversely affected by the human race at the physical, psychological and spiritual levels. The land and water polluted thus have in turn adversely affected society. This has a negative effect on the human mind. Negative subtle energies take advantage of this situation. Man gets entrapped in the ensuing vicious cycle. Consequently, he stops performing spiritual practice and embraces a materialistic lifestyle. Residing on a land that emits negative vibrations causes many problems in the family, such as quarrels, depression, addiction, etc. As a result, many malpractices fester in society and the overall quality of life deteriorates.

C. The Panchamahabhutas (The five Cosmic Principles – Pruthvi, Apa, Tej, Vayu and Akash) become unstable due to the increased negativity in the environment, which is mainly aided by humans and negative subtle energies. Consequently, we have to face adversities such as unpredictable weather and colossal natural disasters. When the environment is positive, the Panchamahabhutas are stable and as a result, nature too remains structured and predictable.

11. Efforts to protect humans from negative vibrations in the soil

Currently, negative vibrations are emitting from land in most regions around the world. Given ahead are some tips that one must keep in mind to avoid the damage caused by these negative vibrations.

A. A study of soil conducted without considering the spiritual and subtle aspects, deprives us of 70% aspects that need to be taken into account. Understand this – Just because a piece of land or a building is beautiful, neat and tidy at the physical level does not automatically mean that it is spiritually good as well. Our research has established that most of the rich premises in the world emit negative vibrations.

B. If the land developers as well as the architects build according to the Vastushastra (Science of Architecture), it will be possible to reduce the negative vibrations and increase the positive vibrations in such premises. Additionally, performing Bhumi Pujan before starting the construction, paying obeisance to the Deity of the premises and the Village Deity everyday will result in begetting blessings of the respective Deities and will increase the positivity in the land and premises.

C. As of now, land all over the world is polluted at the spiritual level. This is adversely affecting mankind. We cannot bring about a complete transformation in the human race at the individual level. However, performing spiritual practice will help develop a protective sheath around us, and consequently, we can lead a mentally stable and high quality of life. Therefore, start performing spiritual practice not today, but right now !

Authors : Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale (Founder, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay) and Dr. (Mrs.) Nandini Samant (Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay research team member, Goa)

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