Afghanistan : Bomb making class in mosque goes awry, 30 Talibanis killed

Maulvis do not issue fatwas against bomb manufacturing in mosques!

India is a secular country and Muslims are a minority here. However, Afghanistan is an Islamic country and Muslims are a majority there. However, not a single Islamic organisation or Islamic country will decry such incidents!

Kabul (Afghanistan) – At least 30 Taliban militant youth have died in Afghanistan after they blew themselves up during a bomb-making class at a mosque in the village of Qultaq in the Dowlatabad district, A report by the Afghan National Army said. The dead included six foreign nationals. The authorities said, “The explosion was so powerful that the bodies of the six foreigners were blown apart and hence could not even be identified”. In another related incident, 2 boys were killed in a bomb attack carried out by Talibanis in the Kunduj region.