‘I am Hindu’ ! – US Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece Meena Haris

Just saying ‘I am Hindu’ will not make someone Hindu. It is important to be Hindu through your deeds. Meena Harris has always criticised India, a country with Hindu population as the majority. It is a fact that she has never made any statements in support of Hindus !

Meena Harris, niece of US Vice President Kamala Harris

Washington (US) – US Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece Meena Harris re-tweeted to Devout Hindu Sankrant Sanu saying, “I am Hindu. Stop using it as a cover for fascism. I am being dragged purposefully for eating beef and writing Jesus Christ on a post.  You are desperate”, Meena Harris had first raised her support to the farmer’s protest in India. Sankrant Sanu had criticised her then saying, “Thanks for revealing your #Hinduphobia. You hate Hindus because they resist”.