How to celebrate Makarsankranti in the adverse times ?
There were some restrictions, for some months, on the celebration of religious festivals and vows observances that took place in the background of the coronavirus. Although corona’s condition haHow to celebrate Makarsankranti in the adverse times ?s not yet improved, it is slowly recovering. The aspects as given ahead should be kept in mind while celebrating festivals at such times.
- All the rituals of celebrating the festival (e.g. Haldikunku ceremony, Tilgul giving, Boranhan etc.) should be observed by observing all the rules laid down by the Government regarding coronavirus considering the local conditions at your place.
- When organising a Haldikunku ceremony, call a group of 4 women at intervals of 15-20 minutes without calling all the women at the same time.
- Sesame seeds and jaggery should be exchanged in small packets instead of giving directly.
- Masks should be used when meeting and talking to each other.
- The purpose of celebrating any festival or celebration is to ‘increase the Sattva’ virtue within oneself. Therefore, although due to the situation in adverse times, there are some restrictions to celebrate the festival as per the custom, we should try to increase the Sattva component by giving more time to remembering God, chanting, worship, etc. This will be like celebrating the festival in the true sense.
Spiritual Discourse on Makarsankranti
Since festivals, religious festivals and vowed observances have a spiritual basis, they create Chaitanya while celebrating and help even the common man to attain God-realisation. If the Spirituality behind celebrating such an important festival is known, it will be more fruitful. For this, we are narrating ahead the science of spirituality behind Sankranti and various rituals to celebrate it.
1. Uttarayana and Dakshinayana : On this day of Makarsankranti, the Sun transits to Capricorn sign. Sankranti is postponed by one day every 80 years to make up for the difference caused by solar movement. The Uttarayan of sun starts on this day. The period from Karkasankranti to Makarsankranti is called ‘Dakshinayana’. A person who dies in Dakshinayana is more likely to go to Dakshina Loka (Yamaloka) than a person who dies in Uttarayana.
2. Significance of Sankranti : This period is very complementary for those who perform sadhana.
3. Importance of using sesame seeds in Sankranti : Sesame seeds are used in Sankranti on a large scale. For example, for bathing with sesame seeds and water and eating sesame seeds and giving it to others, donating sesame seeds to Brahmans, lighting sesame oil lamps in Shiva temple, performing shraddha (in which tilangali is given), etc. The use of sesame seeds in shraddha does not allow demons, etc. to create obstacles in shraddha. According to Ayurveda, eating sesame seeds is beneficial for the Sankranti which comes in winter. According to Spirituality, sesame seeds are more capable of absorbing sattvik vibrations than any other oil; therefore, sesame seeds are complementary for performing good sadhana during this transition period of the sun.
3A. Importance of Sesame seeds and jaggery: Since sesame seeds have a high capacity to receive and emit sattvik vibrations, consumption of sesame seeds helps in purification of the inner self and perform sadhana better. Also, when sesame seeds and jaggery are shared with each other, sattvikta (Purity) is exchanged.
4. Panchopachar in Haldikunku
4A. Applying Haldikunku: Applying Haldikunku awakens the latent Principle of Shri Durgadevi in Suvasini (A married woman) and it benefits the Suvasini who is applying Haldikunku.
4B. Applying fragrance : Due to the emission of fragrant particles from the fragrance, the Deity is pleased and its Principle instantly works for that Suvasini benefitting her
4C. Sprinkling rose water: The fragrant waves emitted from the rose water purify the environment by activating the waves of the Deity and the Suvasini, who performs remedies gets benefits from the sagun Principle of the functioning deity.
4D. Offering Oti: Offering Oti means appealing to the willpower of Shri Durgadevi active in the universe. As the will of Shri Durgadevi in the universe activates through the process of offering Oti, the desires of the soul who offers the Oti with faith get fulfilled.
4E. Offering Vaan: When offering vaan, the tip of the loose end of saree should support the vaan. To offer vaan means to surrender to the Principle of Deity in another soul through the physical, mental and material sacrifice. Supporting the vaan by the tip of the loose end of saree means losing up the interest in clothes and learning to give up the physical consciousness. Since the period of Sankranti is conducive to the sadhana, the Deity is soon pleased with the vaan offering and fulfils the wish of that Suvasini who offers the vaan.
4E1. What should be offered as Vaan?: Instead of offering vaan consisting of non-religious items like soaps, plastic items; items that bring good fortune such as incense sticks, Utne (body scrub), pictures of Deities, Holy texts, spiritual CDs, etc. should be offered as vaan.
5. Kinkrant: The second day of Sankranti is called Kinkrant or Karidin. On this day the Goddess killed Kinkrasura.
6. Importance of offering til-tandul (sesame seeds-rice) to Mahadev on Sankranti day:
There is a mention to offer sesame seeds-rice or sesame seeds-rice mixed arghya to Mahadev on this day. Sesame seeds is considered to be of special importance on this auspicious day. Utne (body scrub) having sesame seeds, bathing in water mixed sesame seeds, consumption of sesame seeds mixed water, performing havan of sesameseeds , use of sesame seeds in cooking, as well as sesame seeds donation are considered to wash the sins; hence, immense importance is given to consume sesame seeds, jaggery, as well as sugar mixed laddu, and donation on this day.
The spiritual moral of Makarsankranti is ‘to bring a balanced revolution in life’.
7. Importance of offering alms on Makarsankranti: Dharmashastra mentions the importance of offering alms, chanting and performing religious rituals on this day. Donations made on this day gives back 100 fold results in the next birth.
Compiler: Mr. Chetan Rajhans, National Spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha.