One community forced to spend their entire lifetime trying to prove that they are patriots! – Asaduddin Owaisi

Not reciting ‘Vande Mataram’, not denouncing Jihadi terrorists; praising Babur and Aurangzeb, how can one accept such people as patriots ? How can we consider those who drove out 4 lakh Hindus from Kashmir as patriots?

Asaduddin Owaisi and Dr. Mohan Bhagwat

Hyderabad (Telangana) – Followers of one religion automatically get the certificate of being patriots, whereas others have to spend their entire lifetime in proving ‘we want to live in India and wish to have the right to call ouselves as Indians’. Asaduddin Owaisi, MIM president and MLA, made these pointed remarks against RSS Sarsanghachalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat’s statements claiming that patriotism is the fundamental nature of Hindus.

Owaisi further said,

  1. It is rational to assume that most Indians are patriots regardless of their faith It’s only in RSS’s ignorant ideology that adherents of one religion are automatically issued patriotism certificates.
  2. Will Bhagwat answer : What will you say about Gandhi’s killer Godse? What about the men responsible for the Nellie massacre, 1984 anti-Sikh riots and 2002 Gujarat riots? (During India’s partition in 1947 10 lakh Hindus were killed, several Hindu women were raped, Swami Shradhanand was murdered, Hindus were massacred by Mopla Muslims in Kerala, does Owiasi have an answer to this ? – Editor )