Anti-Love Jihad Law proposed by the Madhya Pradesh Government

Government aid to  madarasas and mosques found involved in love jihad cases to be cancelled

Hindus expect such a law to be passed for the entire country

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) – The Madhya Pradesh Government is drafting an anti-love jihad law. This will be called ‘Freedom of Religion Act’. The act has a provision to cancel the government aid to any religious organisation that is found to be involved in Love Jihad cases.

If a Church, Mosque or Madrasa is involved in religious conversion, then the financial aid, land etc. given to them by the government will be withdrawn. This law is expected to be passed by the end of December. The guilty could face imprisonment of up to 10 years and a fine of up to Rs one lakh.

Also the law proposes to nullify a marriage if it is found that there has been religious conversion solely for the sake of marriage.