‘KBC’ insults Hindu Scriptures; Amitabh Bachchan must apologise publicly to Hindu community

KBC’s anti-Hindu Dharma attitude continues : Religious sentiments hurt delibrately again

Mumbai – In the ‘Karmaveer Vishesh’ episode of ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) – Season 12’ programme aired on Sony TV on 30th October, the seats of faith of Hindus were once again insulted by asking dubious and negative questions about Hindu Scriptures.

The show host, Amitabh Bachchan, asked – Which Hindu Scripture was burnt on 25th December 1927 by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his followers ? He gave 4 options to select from – Vishnupuran, Bhagawadgeeta, Rugveda and Manusmruti.

What message did Amitabh Bachchan and KBC want to give through such as question ? Then, Bachchan tried to mislead society by criticising Manusmruti for its ideologically inappropriate caste-discrimination and untouchability and said that this is why Manusmruti was burnt.

“Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has strongly condemned this and demanded a public apology from KBC and Amitabh Bachchan”, said Mr. Ramesh Shinde (National Spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti).

Last year too, KBC had insulted Hindu national heroes by calling Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj just ‘Shivaji. Now it has insulted Manusmruti by giving false information on Hindu Scriptures.

In 1927, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar burnt Manusmriti. However, on 11th January 1950, while speaking to the Students’ Parliament of Siddharth College in Mumbai, he had said, “I have relied on Manu for a decision on caste, Smruti of Sage Parashar for divorce, Smruti of Sage Bruhaspati for the rights of women”. He also said that Manusmruti is the basis for the right of inheritance of the Dayabhag system. It was clear from this that Dr. Babasaheb highlighted the importance of Manusmruti. Hence, KBC once again showed its anti-Hindu attitude. If a question is asked in KBC on Dr. Babasaheb burning Manusmruti, then a question – ‘Who destroyed the ancient Hindu universities Takshashila and Nalanda’ and burnt their invaluable literature forever ?’ can also be asked. Will KBC and Amitabh Bachchan dare to ask such questions ? Or maybe – questions related to other religions such as ‘Which Scriptures inspired the terrorists who attacked Charlie Hebdo ?’ should also be asked.

The Hindu community should protest against KBC and Sony TV for insulting Hindu Dharma, Scriptures and national heroes and take initiative to protect culture, appealed Mr. Ramesh Shinde.