China’s atrocities on Muslims in Xinjiang province

1. China’s biggest enemy is the Chinese population it-self : Chinese population is between 135 to 150 crores, and the minorities make up 10% of this. Xinjiang is home to 2 crore Uyghur Muslims.

There are 50 lakh Tibetans living in Tibet. Wherever anti-China sentiments are found, China wreaks tremendous repression and tries to suppress the people. So, like the Uyghur Muslims and Tibetans, other minorities are also unhappy with China. In other words, China’s biggest enemy is the Chinese population itself !

2. Mosques demolished : There were more than 16,000 mosques in Xinjiang. All were demolished. Today, more than two million Muslims are being held in concentration camps, and their numbers are still growing.

3. China has setup the biggest ‘Surveillance Center’ in Xinjiang : Through it, China keeps an eye on key people and puts them in jail if anyone talks or acts against the Chinese Government.

4. Uyghur Muslims are not allowed to study their language, religion and culture : They cannot even follow their own customs, traditions as well as festivals such as Eid and Ramzan.

5. There are 50-60 Muslim countries in the world. However, not one country dares to speak against these atrocities. They are so happy with their relations with China, that they completely ignore the atrocities against Muslims there.

6. No freedom of expression : Xinjiang has one Police Officer for every 5 citizens. Using CCTV and other modern technology, close vigilance is kept on their citizens. ‘One child policy’ is strictly followed in this region. There is no individual freedom for the people in this region.

7. A representative of Uyghur Muslims addressed the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations : He said that thousands of Uyghur Muslims are missing and thousands are in prisons. If anyone speaks against the Chinese Government, immediate action is taken against him. Those who speak against the Chinese Government, are sent to work as labourers to the different regions.

China’s atrocities against citizens of Tibet

1. Developing tourist destinations after destroying Tibetian monasteries : Citizens of Tibet are facing a similar situation as the Uyghur Muslims. Citizens of Tibet are very peaceful and restrained. But they are also persecuted by China. Tibetan monasteries are destroyed. Large monasteries have been turned into shopping malls and have been developed as tourist destinations. So, the sanctity of these areas is destroyed completely.

2. Tibetans have to lead a miserable life : Tibetans cannot speak their language, follow their culture or their customs, or celebrate any festivals. As a result, their lives have become very miserable.

3. Now, China is trying to bring in a pro-China individual as successor to the present Dalai Lama : If this happens, Tibet will be under complete control of China. Because, the Dalai Lama is a religious leader and the biggest seat of reverence for the people in Tibet.

4. Outside the country : Chinese spies keep a close eye on Tibetans and Uyghur Muslims travelling to India, the United States or Europe. If anyone speaks against China, an attempt is made to take action against him.

(Retd.) Brigadier Hemant Mahajan, Pune