Hindu Idols blurred during the airing of the Turkish version of an Indian Hindi TV serial !
Hindu-hatred of ‘Kanal 7’ channel of Turkey !
New Delhi – Hindi TV serial ‘Sath Nibhana Sathiya’ is being broadcasted at present in Turkish version with the name ‘Masum’. Kanal 7 channel while broadcasting this serial has blurred the Idols of Hindu Deities and Hindu religious symbols in the serial. An Idol of Radha and Shrikrushna in an episode has been blurred in the Turkish version. It is being said that the alteration is made so that the Muslims in Turkey will not have to see this. The objection is being raised through social media after the matter surfaced on social media.
Turkish channel blurs Radha Krishna murtis while telecasting a dubbed version of Hindi serialhttps://t.co/wk4qCbUbIK
— OpIndia.com (@OpIndia_com) October 16, 2020