59.52 crore rupees seized from ‘Church of South India Trust Association’, in Bengaluru
Case of leasing the land of Ministry of Defence to the Karnataka Government
- Was the Government asleep all this time ? It should urgently ban the ‘Church of South India Trust Association’, which is cheating Governments by leasing Central Government land to the State Government !
- It is clear from this incident that Christian institutions are now usurping Government lands besides carrying out religious conversions.
- The Central Government should immediately investigate how much Government land has been usurped by such organisations across the country and take strict action against the people involved.
Bengaluru (Karnataka) – On behalf of the Ministry of Defence, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached an amount of Rs. 59.52 crore lying in a bank in the name of the ‘Church of South India Trust Association (CSITA)’ in Bengaluru for leasing 7,426.888 sqare meters of land of the Defence Ministry to the Karnataka Government.
A complaint was lodged at the Ashok Nagar Police station in Bengaluru against CSITA for illegally compromising the transfer of Defence Ministry’s land and an inquiry into the matter is underway.
The version of the Enforcement Directorate
The Defence Ministry’s land was leased to the All Saint’s Church. However, the legal ownership of the land remained with the Ministry of Defence. (Who gave this land to a Christian church, during whose rule and how did this happen ? All such details should be made public ! – Editor)
Enforcement Directorate has attached assets worth Rs 59.52 crore of the Church of South India Trust Association under provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.@santwana99https://t.co/QOUt50uO7b
— TNIE Karnataka (@XpressBengaluru) September 10, 2020
In 2019, the ‘Church of South India Trust Association’ unofficially leased the land from All Saint’s Church to the Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) of the Karnataka State Government. (The Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Limited failed to verify even a simple thing like ownership of land before taking it on lease. Did BMRCL ignore it deliberately ? This should also come before the people. – Editor) The Trust Association received Rs. 59.29 crore from this deal. (Understand the cunning nature of the Church of South India Trust Association ! – Editor) BMRCL acquired the land through the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB).
After investigating the matter, the ED found that the legal ownership of the land is with the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, and the land was given to the All Saint’s Church for religious purposes. (This highlights the chaos in Government functioning. – Editor) Since the legal ownership of the land was with the Ministry of Defence, the ED has recovered Rs. 59.52 crore, including interest, and action is being taken under the Money Laundering Prevention Act 2000.