‘Abhay 2’ web series shows revolutionary Khudiram Bose as criminal !

Strong opposition to the web series through social media

  • Banning such web series, by filing criminal case on the people concerned and putting them in jail, will only be a lesson for others!
  • Those behaving with the British mentality, and proving revolutionaries as goons, bandits etc. should be expelled from India itself !

New Delhi – Over the top i.e. on OTT platform, Zee5 mobile app broadcast Abhay 2. In a scene of this web series photograph of revolutionary Khudiram Bose was shown on a board along with photographs of criminals. So, patriotic citizens have started opposing it on social media. They have trended the hashtag # BoycottZee5. Through this demand, people are asked to boycott of Zee5. Khudiram Bose was hanged in the year 1908. He was the youngest revolutionary to be hanged, i.e. 18-years-old. He had Srimad Bhagavad Gita in his hand while going to the gallows.

Fake apologies of directors of web series was rejected by patriots

The director of this web series, Ken Ghosh, apologised after the fierce opposition in social media. (Ken Ghosh being a Bengali himself, he himself insults a Bengali revolutionary, this brings to mind the mentality of such people of Bengal ! – Editor) He said, ‘We apologise for this. Our aim was not to hurt anyone’s feelings. (There was no purpose to hurt the emotion, then what was the purpose ?, Ghosh should tell this ! – Editor) We have blurred the photographs related to this scene.’

This apology is not acceptable. Related scenes should be removed from the web series and ‘Zee5’ should apologise publicly, demanded the patriots through social media.