China demolished mosques of Uighur Muslims and built toilets over them

The leaders of Pakistan, Malaysia and Turkey who like to present themselves as saviours of the Muslim Ummah are silent on China’s genocidal assault. Imagine if this had happened in India !

The religious activists mourned and instigated riots on the demolition of the illegal structure of Babri Masjid on the Ramjanmbhoomi land. Why are they silent over this issue ?

Beijing (China) – ‘Radio Free Asia’ released information on the demolition of mosques of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province. After demolition, toilets and liquor shops were built on the land. News of hospitals being forced to abort and kill babies born in excess of family planning limits has also come to light. As of now, 70% of mosques were demolished in this region.

At Artux in the Xinjiang province, 2 mosques were destroyed in 2016 and public toilets were built and a liquor shop was opened. Liquor is prohibited in Islam. In the same year, graveyards of Muslims and mosques were destroyed in this region. Skeletons and dead bodies were removed and destroyed. So far, 45 graveyards have been converted into parking lots. Other plots are vacant. The ‘Uighur Human Rights Project’ in Washington released a report on these atrocities in China. It submits, ‘During the years 2016 to 2019, ten to fifteen thousand religious places were destroyed in China’