All the street lights in a village switched off for total 35 days with the intention of saving a birds nest !

Tolerant Hindus, who live in the darkness in order to save a bird’s nest;  and the religious fanatics, who brutally slaughter cows just for the sake of  meat ! 

Chennai – A news was published in an English newspaper that street lights in a village named Potthakudi in Sivganga district of Tamil Nadu were switched-off for 35 days in order to save a bird’s nest.

According to the news, a student of the village named Karuppurajanoticed a bird’s nest on the switchboard of street lights close to his house. The bird had laid some eggs in the nest. Karuppuraja proposed an idea of cutting the power supply to  his friends. Since some of the villagers disagreed with the plan of taking such a big decision just for the sake of a bird  Karuppuraja approached the head of the Village Panchayat. He explained the whole situation to him and demanded to stop power supply. Finally on humanitarian grounds the head of the Village Panchayat agreed with the plan and ordered to disconnect the electricity supply to street lights. Because of this, the village was in dark for 35 days.